Travel with Dogs


Dogs can quickly overheat, and even on mild days, the temperature inside a parked car can rise rapidly, and reach dangerous levels within minutes. Never leave a dog unattended in a vehicle.

Ensure your air conditioning is working well in the dog’s area, and maintain that at about 20 degrees C or lower.

Monitor your dog for excessive panting, drooling, or lethargy, which are signs of distress. Let them take toilet and walk breaks when needed. .

By paying attention to temperature conditions, you can help keep your dog safe and comfortable during car trips.


Safety of your dog, and other car occupants should be a top priority. Use a dog harness and attach that to the seatbelt system. There are car seatbelt clips available for this at pet shops.

Always place your dog in the back seat, to reduce the risk of airbag injuries. Keep windows secured, as dogs can lean or even fall out of open windows.

If dogs need to ride on the back of a ute, use a properly designed and secured travel crate, which is well ventilated and roofed, and do not travel dogs on very hot days.


Some dogs can suffer from car sickness. This is usually a temporary stage, as it can be with some children. To overcome car sickness required a combination of being well preprared, gradual acclimation and ensuring your dog is comfortable.

Start by simply popping your dog in the car, giving treats, and taking them out again. Then clip up, give a treat, and take them out. Finally a very short run in the car - maybe around the block. Do this frequently, and increase very slowly.

If you have a elevated seat where they can look out, that will help.

Do not feed your dog a full meal prior to travel, they may travel better on an empty stomach or with just a light snack.

Fresh air can alleviate symptoms, so you can crack a window, and keep the air conditioning going too.

If car sickness persists, contact your vet as there are anti nausea medications which are used for car sickness.

Pups normally grow out of carsickness quite quickly with the above precautions.


Make sure to alwasys have a travel bowl with you. If your dog is used to a filtered water, take it with you, rather than expecting them to drink whatever is available when you stop.